Category: talk

  • Do Facial Exercises Get Rid Wrinkles

    Do Facial Exercises Get Rid Wrinkles

    For many of us keen to find a natural, non-invasive and inexpensive way to improve our facial appearance, facial exercises seem like a great anti ageing solution. It is believed to tighten the face and erase as well as prevent wrinkles, giving you a fresher, more youthful appearance. However, many remain sceptical of its benefits…

  • Does Hand Cream Keep Your Hands Looking Young

    Does Hand Cream Keep Your Hands Looking Young

    Many women spend a fortune and a lot of time caring for the skin on their faces, whilst hardly ever bothering with their hands. But in fact, your hands can give away your age just as easily and there is nothing as unsightly as leathery, spotted, wrinkled hands. Your hands are probably one of the…

  • Can Female Hair Loss Be Prevented

    Can Female Hair Loss Be Prevented

    While baldness is usually something associated with men, women can suffer from hair loss as well and may find this deeply distressing and embarrassing as it is not as socially common as male pattern baldness. Usually, women experience hair loss due to certain changes in their bodies and when these changes are reversed, the hair…

  • Free Radicals Ageing

    Free Radicals Ageing

    While we may not know exactly what mechanisms accelerate ageing, there are many theories on the different causes of ageing. The most popular and accepted of these are “free radicals” which are believed to attack our bodies at the cellular level and affect cell renewal and rejuvenation, therefore ultimately resulting in the “ageing” of our…

  • Depression Older Adults

    Depression Older Adults

    Considering the many challenges that one has to face as one gets older – such as medical problems, loss of loved ones and loneliness – it is surprising that depression is not more common in older adults. However, this does not mean that depression must be accepted as a normal part of ageing. If the…